Sunday, May 25, 2008

Which gelatin would you choose?

I thought I might loose weight while I’m in Thailand but there’s just way too much random food to try for that to happen.  At the rate I'm going, I wouldn't be surprised if I put on twenty pounds. 

Jen and I conquered the market near our place tonight and also brought some food back to enjoy on my balcony.  (Below:  Photo of Jenn making fun of my ridiculously small chairs that "didn't seem so small when I bought them" while eating some pork on a stick (lots of meat comes on sticks in Thailand)).  

This market is about a ten minute walk from our apartment, and is about the size of a Safeway parking lot.  A single food item costs between 3 baht (10 cents) for meat on a stick to 20 baht (60 cents) for 6 spring rolls/half a pineapple/mango and sticky rice as well as a lot of things that I have never seen a Winnipeg equivalent of.  The fact that you can try so many different foods makes the excursion much like going out for dim sum…Except cheaper, far more crazy and quite a bit more colourful. 

Because we were stuck there during the daily storm (we've had one/day for the last week or so), we couldn’t help but gorge ourselves on delicious (and some not so delicious) Thai treats.  Although there were some things that were more delicious, these gelatin desserts were certainly the most visually appealing.

 And the unidentifiable green goop (in the video below) was one of the most random for tonight.


Anonymous said...

mmm... random gelatin goop!

Actually I think that the "Thai volleyball" wouldn't be all that far off from how a couple of the guys on my team play actual volleyball (beach). Since you can play with any part of your body according to the rules now and them being soccer folk, they do a lot more kicking/heading then bumping/volleying.

Looks like you're having an amazing time there! Apologies for my lacking following all your adventures.

Anonymous said...

I think that you can not go wrong with the white featuring pink and green gellatin. Looks fabulous I hope its fruit flavoured and not something weird like fish or beef flavoured. Well maybe the green could be Slimer (from ghostbusters) flavourd.

Galapagos said...

Mel, I like the way you wrote "featuring pink and green". It makes every one of those boxes feel like a movie experience. :)

P.S. Do you know what Slimer tastes like? I'm guessing taro...