Monday, June 16, 2008

Fried Rice

For my first 2 or 3 weeks here, I didn't know how to say much in Thai, so when I ate out, I tended to order one of the two things that I knew how to order in Thai:  pad thai or fried rice (kao-pad-gai).  I'm happy that I know how to order a lot more now... Variety is good. :)

There's one restaurant around here that actually has an English menu.  I've ordered most of the thai things on the menu there, including the fried rice, but I'd always been curious as to how "fried rice" would differ from "American fried rice".

You might be interested to know that in America (according to the Thais), the egg in the fried rice isn't stir fried with the rest, but is instead cooked over easy on its own and then placed on top of the dish.  The dish as you can see is also served with a side of bacon and sausage (perhaps Americans consider this to be a breakfast dish?)  Also, Americans not only like peas in their fried rice, but they also enjoy copious amounts of raisins and pineapple.  Who knew?!  


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