Monday, July 28, 2008

Journey Home

I won't be adding any more posts from this point forward as I'm leaving for Canada at 4AM Wednesday morning (4PM Tuesday for you).

I'll be arriving in Vancouver at 11:40AM on Wednesday (traveling back in time is really confusing) where I'll be meeting up with my band (the Greg Milka Crowe Band) and we'll be  touring back to Winnipeg. 

I'll be back home on the 6th of August.  Thanks for keeping up with my adventures.  I look forward to seeing you all!


Anonymous said...

Good luck, I've enjoyed your blog!

- T

Unknown said...

Have a safe trip back to Vancouver - too bad you're coming back mid-week and your show in the 30th is far and away from Vancouver proper. I'll be going to the show tonight though (hope Greg has a few spare Wedgewoods CDs on hand for purchase).
Reading about your experiences has been really cool, albeit I didn't post responses for a lot of them. Hopefully you're in the 'peg over Christmas and we can catch up in person then :)

James cuck said...

Impressive blog.
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