I’ve always had a fondness for monkeys as a kid. I’ve read books on Jane Goodall, Diane Fossey, and Koko (one of the first gorillas to learn sign language). Because I’m clearly still a kid, when I heard about a place called “Monkey Hill” I was more than eager to check it out.
I had no intention of feeding or petting the monkeys when I arrived there, but I was strongly encouraged (through a series of gestures and smiles) to do both by the Thai women who worked there.
The monkeys of Monkey Hill are called macaques and they were a blast to see in person. As nerdy as it is, being surrounded by dozens of screeching macaques will certainly be a highlight of this trip. I regret not taking any videos of their antics, but I am hoping that some of the photos I took will remind me of their awesomeness. ☺
Awesome! Try to bring one back with you, I'm sure he'll be of help delivering discipline to errant children and to overenthusiastic kitties.
Veronica your blog has provided me with at least 1 hour of amusement at work. These monkey pictures will provide me with years of amusement also your use of the word awesomeness
Lol, thanks for the comments! :) The monkeys were a pretty huge highlight for me.
I don't think I'll be bringing any home though, most of them were too erratic and some of them are just plain mean! :P
Hi V - just a note to say hi and I loved reading everything you wrote about your trips to the zoos etc. and I love seeing all the animals as well. I would love to be there with you. Sounds like you are having the experience of a lifetime. We all miss you here and look forward to seeing you. I will look forward to more news and more great pictures. Take care of yourself and don't get sick again. Thanks for keeping in touch. Bye for now.
Heh sweetie! Finally getting a chance to write....
This picture ROCKS!!!! How cute are they? Well if they were mena, then not so cute. it reminded me of when fish jumped out of the water in Mexico to eat off a banana I was holding. What an amazing experience for you! Thanks for setting up this blog so we can feel you're closer than you are!!! I cannot beleive you are 12 hours difference! It is 12:40a.m. there for you right now. I wonder if you are snoozing or partying hmmm??!!
Keep in touch Girl!,
Loooved the orchid picture, & how cool to make the "treck" worth it by seeing a waterfall!
Can't wait to hear your stories firsthand....
I'll be hoping you can avoid getting sick again - How horrible!!!!
Ooops - That last one was from me too. In true Paula fashion I went too quick. Hee-Hee.
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